OnTime REST API / User Json Schema
In This Topic
    User Json Schema
    In This Topic
    Represents a comprehensive User record within the OnTime API.
    Represents a comprehensive User record within the OnTime API.
    DriverLastLocation : string
    The unique Guid identifier referencing the last known Location of this User.
    TimeClockSessions : Array[]
    The collection of unique Guid identifiers referencing all UserSession records associated with this User.
    ID : string
    The unique identifier for this User record.
    FirstName : string
    The first name of this User.
    LastName : string
    The last name of this User.
    UserName : string
    The username assigned to this User.
    Email : string
    GThe email address assigned to this User.
    PictureBytes : string
    The image data used as a visual description of this User.
    IsSubcontractor : boolean
    Indicates if this User is defined as a sub-contractor within OnTime 360.
    IsEmployee : boolean
    Indicates if this User is defined as an employee within OnTime 360.
    IsCompany : boolean
    Indicates if this User is defined as a company within OnTime 360.
    CompanyName : string
    The company name assigned to this User.
    HiredDate : string
    The exact date this User was hired.
    EmployerIdentificationNumber : string
    The Employer Identification Number (EIN) assigned to this User.
    LoggedInAsDispatcher : boolean
    Indicates if this User is currently logged-in as a dispatcher.
    LoggedInAsDriver : boolean
    Indicates if this User is currently logged-in as a driver.
    MobileNumber : string
    The mobile phone number of this User.
    SMSNumber : string
    The Short Messaging Service (SMS) number for this User.
    DriverLastSync : string
    The most recent date that this User performed a synchronization while logged-in to the OnTime Mobile application.
    IsDriver : boolean
    Indicates if this User is assigned the role of a company dispatcher.
    IsDispatcher : boolean
    Indicates if this User is assigned the role of a company driver.
    IsAdministrator : boolean
    Indicates if this User is assigned the role of a company administrator.
    AllowSMSUpdates : boolean
    The eligibility of Short Messaging Service (SMS) messages being delivered to this User via their {OnTime.Extensions.SDK.UserBase.SMSNumber}.
    DispatcherHourlyRate : number
    The hourly rate assigned to this User when assuming the role of a dispatcher.
    DispatcherPackageRate : number
    The per-package rate assigned to this User when assuming the role of a dispatcher.
    DriverHourlyRate : number
    The hourly rate assigned to this User when assuming the role of a driver.
    DriverPackageRate : number
    The per-package rate assigned to this User when assuming the role of a driver.
    MileageRate : number
    The mileage ( i.e. distance) rate assigned to this User when assuming the role of a driver.
    GrossCommissionRate : number
    The gross commission rate assigned to this User.
    TimeZone : string
    The time zone this User resides within.
    IsLimitedUserAccount : boolean
    The active status of this User.
    Comments : string
    Any additional comments associated with this User.
    NameDescriptionData Type
    The unique Guid identifier referencing the last known Location of this User.string
    The collection of unique Guid identifiers referencing all UserSession records associated with this User.Array[]
    The unique identifier for this User record.string
    The first name of this User.string
    The last name of this User.string
    The username assigned to this User.string
    GThe email address assigned to this User.string
    The image data used as a visual description of this User.string
    Indicates if this User is defined as a sub-contractor within OnTime 360.boolean
    Indicates if this User is defined as an employee within OnTime 360.boolean
    Indicates if this User is defined as a company within OnTime 360.boolean
    The company name assigned to this User.string
    The exact date this User was hired.string
    The Employer Identification Number (EIN) assigned to this User.string
    Indicates if this User is currently logged-in as a dispatcher.boolean
    Indicates if this User is currently logged-in as a driver.boolean
    The mobile phone number of this User.string
    The Short Messaging Service (SMS) number for this User.string
    The most recent date that this User performed a synchronization while logged-in to the OnTime Mobile application.string
    Indicates if this User is assigned the role of a company dispatcher.boolean
    Indicates if this User is assigned the role of a company driver.boolean
    Indicates if this User is assigned the role of a company administrator.boolean
    The eligibility of Short Messaging Service (SMS) messages being delivered to this User via their {OnTime.Extensions.SDK.UserBase.SMSNumber}.boolean
    The hourly rate assigned to this User when assuming the role of a dispatcher.number
    The per-package rate assigned to this User when assuming the role of a dispatcher.number
    The hourly rate assigned to this User when assuming the role of a driver.number
    The per-package rate assigned to this User when assuming the role of a driver.number
    The mileage ( i.e. distance) rate assigned to this User when assuming the role of a driver.number
    The gross commission rate assigned to this User.number
    The time zone this User resides within.string
    The active status of this User.boolean
    Any additional comments associated with this User.string
    See Also